  There are also indications another face might be visible when the sun is lower in the sky. Over the right eye and to the left is another eye shape: where there appears to be an iris shape: . This also has ridges around it which catch the sun. This could be associated with the ridge over the left eye: which has a similar eye shape .

This idea of shapes catching the sun is similar to the symbol like shapes below the face which correspond to ridges. This is shown in an animated GIF where shadows showing the symbol like shapes are seen to correspond to ridges like in the eye shapes: 

Also the geometric shapes pointed out here are in the new image, which makes them less likely to be pixilation.

The right eye cavity also has some more features. There seem to be a mound in the center which would cast a shadow like a pupil and possibly another section of arc on the left which would appear as part of the iris . This represents another successful prediction, that face like shapes will retain their features at higher resolutions and accumulate new ones.