A fifth Crowned Face

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In between the Right Crowned Face and the new Angled Face there may be another face, shown below from M0303483. This is corrected for brightness, contrast and intensity, and resampled to 288 dpi which may introduce some distortion into the image. This would complete the pattern of 5 faces in a row, of similar patterns and relationships to each other. There may be more faces in this pattern to the left, but highly eroded. The face is not very clear and is mainly pointed out for a prediction if the area is reimaged.

The face is not very distinct, it is better to look at the illustration below and then look at the image above. One advantage of this face candidate is that it fits smoothly in between the face on its sides as do the other Crowned Faces.

Shown above are the right Crowned Face, the 5th Face, and the left eye of the Angled Face.

A shows the left eye of the right Crowned Face and B shows the right eye of the right Crowned Face, much clearer in M0303483 than M0203051.

C shows the nostrils of the right Crowned Face.

D shows the mouth which is asymmetrical, similar to the mouth of the 5th Face at E.

F shows the left eye of the 5th face and G the right eye.

I shows the left eye of the Angled Face. So as can be seen the pattern of the other Crowned Faces is maintained, the right eye of a Face is usually under the eye of the next face to the right. In more detail below without the outlines:

A shows the left eye of the Right Crowned Face for reference.

B shows the nostrils of the Right Crowned Face.

C shows the nostrils of the 5th Crowned Face, with the impression of 2 nostrils.

D shows what may be the line of the crown edge.

E shows the left eye of the Angled Face for comparison. The left eye of the 5th face at K is similar in shape. It is also similar in shape to the left eye of the other Crowned Faces, and thus similar to the left eye of the Cydonia Face and KK Face.

F shows how the underside of the right eye curves like a normal eye. Also the iris seems to be clear and is looking in the same direction as the left eye, i.e. not cross eyed which could occur by chance.

G may be the mouth of the 5th face.

H may be the jawline.

I shows the right eye of the 5th face is under the left eye of the Angled Face, similar to a shape on the middle Crowned Face.

J shows a line under the right eye similar to a line on the right eye of the right Crowned Face at M.

K shows the left eye of the 5th face.

L shows an area which may have eroded or broken away.

M shows the curved area under the right eye of the right Crowned Face.

N shows the start of the nose which may have broken off or be buried by dust between here and the nose tip at C.